
Traductions pour Michelin



Traductions pour Michelin


Michelin Travel Publications. A lasting love story! I have worked with MTP for over 20 years in the field of tourist, hotel and restaurant guides. I couldn’t even start to count the number of paragraphs of hotels, guesthouses or restaurants that I’ve translated but it can’t be far off a million by now. It’s undeniable that faced with the task of translating ‘1000 Charming Guesthouses’ (which I did two years in a row), the challenge involved finding synonyms for picturesque or charming that ranged from the most classical to the most creative: charming, picturesque, scenic, attractive, pleasant, delightful, lovely, wonderful, striking, knock-me-down with a feather, wow-factor, jaw-dropping, omg!, picture postcard, Instagram-worthy, drop-dead (to be used with delicacy!)…

So, working for Michelin has been and remains a delight and a source of progress, because MTP is a publisher that demands the highest possible quality and unwavering excellence. Of course, the business has changed, and I no longer translate paper guides from A to Z; gone are the days when I translated the entire guide to Rajasthan or the Maldives; nowadays I work with ViaMichelin, translating thousands of short descriptive paragraphs about villages, monuments and churches and with the Red Guide about establishments ranging from the most luxurious to the most affordable. Always with the same steadfast attachment to quality.